14.30 just inside the big entry (eingang) DAY 1 is the meeting point for those who wants to party with us :)
DAY 2 have to be at the Hangar when Colony 5 plays at 12.55.
Here is a map over the festival area:
I'm looking foward to hang with the most beautiful people (you).
See you there!
Day 1 I will see:
17:40-18:35 - DAS ICH
18:05-19:05 - LAIBACH
19:30-20:30 - NITZER EBB
21:00-22:15 - UNHEILIG
22:45-00:00 - THE SISTERS OF MERCY
Day 2:
12:55-13:30 - COLONY 5 - my friends from my town - be there and support them :)
and parts of:
14:55-15:40 - AMDUSCIA
16:05-16:55 - AGONOIZE
17:20-18:15 - FEINDFLUG
18:45-19:45 - SKINNY PUPPY
20:15-21:15 - COMBICHRIST