Sunday, November 14, 2010

All yesterdays partys

This Friday I went to Club Bluescreen to see my sisters boyfriends band - D-ToX play. They were great! They sure was my favorite band of the evening - both easy on the ears as well as easy on the eyes :)
Doing my hair at Wallan's house
Getting arrested by the Wallan-police as I hug Pelle from band Avant Garde
Even got my "secret" husband on a picture. I think he is so pretty <3
My pretty sister Jenny was there too

and MÃ¥rten + gf
and friend Stefan
 Watching sisters bf's band D-ToX play
Here's their video by the way. Enjoy!

Getting my hair pretty

I should really need to bleach my hair right now - but it kills the hair to do it too often, and my hair can't take it. I always tries to wait as long as I can. When the outgrowth is getting too long I hide it wearing a small coif, big bows or else. Right now I think I will hang on until Lucia or something, so I look nice during Christmas and New Years Eve at least.