I gave it a good thought and figured I'd make a nice gesture and NOT dress in black.
I remembered I had a cute moss-green, short, chiffon cocktail dress somewhere in the attic. Haha, to match my green hair.
But since the attic is a no-mans-land with things from the first decade of humans and clogged with "things that might come in handy" I tried to gently ask my husband to do some digging, but that was a sure dead end and I'd to settle with the only dress with color I had i the flat - a skin-colored chiffon dress that goes by the name "the pig dress".
The wierd thing is I really love this dress, but I probably look to others like a bad version of Miss Piggy in it. Oink, oink.To top it off I put on a "few" of my jewels. I was teased all evening about not being able to raise my skinny arms with all that metal on. That I could!
My lovely kids outstaged me as usual with their cute outfits
And we were served smörgåstårta/sandwich layer cake and cold buffet. This was my second plate. Yummie!
My mother, Eivor, and me (I pixled her since I'm not sure she wants the attention ;) As you can see she's got some good genes being 60 and having that slim body. (She's not short, I'm wearing heels, she's not)
We gave her some cute gold heart shaped earings as well as a strawberry cutter and a lime chasing tool.