Wednesday, August 29, 2012

M'era Luna 2012: Day 1

I look so goth with my black sclera lenses!
But I kind of look sweet and nice too - that's not good.

I wanted to look evil but instead I look like a horse or a cow with those big, shiny eyes.
Hey, come milk me!
Goth girl Adora BatBrat can't look evil even if she tries.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

M'era Luna 2012: Day 1

I've been tagged in a few photos from the electro/goth festival M'era Luna :)
Here are a few of them. I'm wearing black sclera lenses. COOL!
I will share closer pictures and a more detailed story about the outfit and make up during the week.
Hanna & Adora BatBrat with their bodyguard behind ;)
Colin, my sister Iva Insane, Adora BatBrat, Hanna
Adora BatBrat, Hanna and Colin fighting for the throne. Nah, we are nice people so we share it  :)
I'm sharing some of my Adora BatBrat visdom to darling Hanna
Andreas Metzner Fotografie
Andreas Metzner Fotografie

Monday, August 27, 2012

Modelling: Nox Hyde

Gothic cat ears?
Well, I can't hide my weakness to cat ears.
I don't know why, and it's probably not goth at all, but I always feel so pretty wearing cat ears.

Perhaps I like the feeling being a tad like the smooth killing machines they are underneath that purring, cute appearance.
Adora BatBrat modelling Nox Hyde designed wolf ears.
Nox Hyde at
Adora BatBrat modelling Nox Hyde designed wolf ears.
Nox Hyde at
Adora BatBrat modelling Nox Hyde designed wolf ears.
Nox Hyde at
I thought I was some kind of genius when I made my own version of cat ears...but only until I layed eyes on an Etsy designer called Nox Hyde. I felt so ashamed abou my own clumsy made cat ears when I saw them...
And now I have my own private set!
I LOVE them! And even more - I was asked to model for Nox Hyde.
Me so proud.

They are easy to attach and in my package was a headband and a bunch or hairpins included.

I like to pin them straight to the hair instead of having a headband, that way it looks more "real" I think.

I usually tease the hair underneath just a bit and then hold the ear in position as I lock it with hairpins from different angles. This way they don't slip at all during the day.

And you can position them any way you want to get different expressions. Cuteness overload!

Here's my super fast version of making your own goth cat ears:

Synthia's birthday party

My freezer is full so I had to bake first thing in the morning. I made one batch of Berliner cracker dough and made 3 different kinds of cookies from it. Ah, the lazy Goth way!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Goth bitten by crayfish!

It was dangerous at this evenings crayfish party. One of these deadly creatures slipped my grip and got hold of my gorgeous pointy nose.
But it was only a short struggle.
I wrestled it down and got a good grip at it's neck.
Bang! Dead!

Score 1-0 to BatBrat!
Then I had a HUGE piece of L's sweet carrot cake.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ready to eat!

Lots of crayfish - just for me!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Adora BatBrat bargains

I'm known to drive my husband mad by buying stuff.
Useless stuff, as he put it ;(
But one thing he can't be mad about is the cost of all these findings.
I'm a REALLY cheap goth bitch!

Like today for instance; I went to the Red Cross second hand and bought 6 coffee cups with matching plates for 1 SEK each set! That's only $0.15! And the rest of the plates was also 1 SEK each.

The lovely bird trays was only 2 SEK each ($0.30), but they are not for me, I bought them for my friend L <3 p="p">They will go perfectly with her 50's green livingroom!
Oh, and the show piece, the UCG teapot, costed me a small fortune!
25 SEK ($3.77). How I love a good bargain!

More Adora BatBrat GIFs!

I am SO flattered when ever I stumble across a new GIF of me! (googling myself, am I?) Thank you!
And they are so crazy funny and always makes me LOL - and I love to laugh :D
Goth girls aren't supposed to laugh and smile, only to smirk sneakily. 
So if you wanna maintain a cool reputation you should not look further, because I can't guarantee you won't crack up those gorgeous black lips.
(and not to be mad at anyone: the comments under the gif's are made by me)
"-I'm such a batty, stupid goth bimbo!"
Thank's to this lovely fan made blog for publishing all these funny things!
You should all subscribe to her blog <3 div="div">
"-The crazyness just flies out off my brains!"

M'era Luna 2012: Day1

I think it's time I publish a picture of me and my pretty sister from Day 1 at the M'era Luna electro/goth festival in Hildesheim, Germany.
This is by the official M'era Luna photographers:

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Modelling: Sofia Studencki

I recived the pictures taken by Sofia Studencki a while back.
She made me look great!
Gloves from e-bay
Bubbly collar: BatBrat Ltd.
Bodice from some lingerie department
Skirt made from a lingerie top
Stockings: German stockings $18 from BatBrat Ltd.
Shoes: Pleaser Adore-1020 $127
My favorite!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fairlight to the hospital

Fairlight and I is on the train back from visiting Lunds Children's Hospital to check current status of her unusual rheumatic disease, JDM, she got when she was 3, almost 4.
After a shipload of all sorts of medication she's only had her Metoject shots once a week as well as a folacin pill once a week the last couple of months.
And everything seemed so great they informed her that within a year she'd be without all medicine every day! What good news :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

I'm back in Sweden

M'era Luna festival 2012 is passed.
I've meet crazy many sweet (
eatable) people. I haven't Goth that many pics yet, but I will post it as I find it.
This is how I looked the first day though :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

M'era Luna electro/ Goth festival - packing

My bed is bombarded with my outfits for the electro/ Goth festival in Hildesheim, Germany this weekend.

As you can see - all black this year!
Me and my pretty sister liked our looks from last year - but we felt very strange wearing all ghostly Goth white the first day.
We are "black girls" at heart.

My husband's got this fabulous idea we should start to travel at 03:00 (like in the middle of the night) this year. We usually have a sleep-in morning and don't leave until 04:00...hahaha....

So now I'll have to take an hour powernap since I'll probably won't even go to bed tonight.
And I'm the first driver.

I'm hoping for lots of hugs from anyone who sees me <3

Also - we're having an ice cream dinner today since it's Synthia's 9th birthday today! Just making you jealous! Here's a picture from her morning cake breakfast:

Book to review and making Goth bracelets

A week ago I got this intriguing book with the best title ever - "Goth girls Don't Taste Like Chicken", written by Robert Tomoguchi and illustrated by Kimberlee Traub, for review.
The kids went crazy over the images and I had to hide the book since I didn't want any sneak peak until I've got time to enjoy this gift.
I think I will read you some of it at YouTube.

And I just made two Goth bracelets with the classic slogan "Keep calm and carry garlic", but I didn't copy - i made it in another font and used a different bat :) (Hahaha - not copying, ey Adora...?!)
Copycat copy that!
I'm a Copybat!!!

Synthia's 9th Birthday

Happy birthday sweet Synthia!
Mini birthday cakes for breakfast and a new Monster High.
That's a good start :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My M'era Luna outfits

Here is the sketch of my Goth outfits for this weekends festival.
It's top secret so I hope you can't see it!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Goth Princess

As the lovely Snowhite I eat an apple.
Only difference between us is I only live with 3 dwarfs instead of 7 :D
(sorry kids..)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Goth bitten by a spider

Other contries has got bit bigger and bit more dangerous spiders than the whimpish Swedish spiders, so if you say in any other contry than Sweden you got bitten by one people might actually belive you!
But if you live in Sweden and say something like that the nuthouse is your next resort.

Thing is:
as a child I got bitten by a Swedish spider...

After being laughed at several times and almost had my forhead stamped with mythomaniac I decided never to tell anyone about this again (here's a safe place, right?).

Then, at the darling age of 16, I met this devastating pretty boy (who later morphed into my husband), and after a few months I decided to let him know my inner secrets.
Took a deep breath, told him I had something to share that he might not belive.
I told him about the spider who bit me.

I was getting ready to have a big laugh thrown at me and that he would end this wonderful romance saying he can't be in love with a crazy woman...
Button from Hardcore Couture
I saw his eyes changed.
He stared at my face.
His lips were slowly separated.
He took a deep breath.

Then he said: 
"-You too! Noone has ever belived me when I told them I got bitten by a spider! Finally someone who belives me!!!!"

And there you have it - if that's not a soulmate criteria I don't know what is!
From that day forward we both know we were for ever :)

And how were we bitten?
  • Me: I was about 8, sitting in the backseat of the car. All of a sudden something tickled me in the neck so I curved my neck to make it go away. Then I felt a sting, like someone poked me with a needle.
    I whiped the place with my hand and down rolled a small, black ball. Not bigger than 3-4 mm.
    I remember being so surprised and kept looking at it to figure out if it was a pebble of somekind.
    Then it opened up - and it was a small spider!!!
    (I'm not more scared of spiders than other bugs after that encounter)
  • My love: He had a big pool in his yard. He was 10 as it happened.
    One day he saw a poor spider fighting to survive as it was in the water. Since he is such a kind spirit he scooped his hand and lifted the spider.
    As the water ran away the spider landed on his naked palm and as a "thank you" it bit the knight in shining armour!!! What a bitch!

Adora BatBrat goth make up - doll

This Was My Friday make up.

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