Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pool party

The Summer party was lovely, as the company :) Later we had a competition where the (remaining) guests were divided into two separate teams. My husband in Team 1 and me in Team 2.
Trying to look casual as I take a picture of this lovely reflection

  1. Kubb - Winner Team 2
  2. Dart - Winner Team 1
  3. Air hockey - Winner Team 1
  4. Trivial Pursuit questions - Winner Team 2
  5. Some crazy ball game - WinnerTeam 2
Winner in total - TEAM 2!!! Yeah, we ruled!

The price was a chocolate bar :)
I love how the tattoo of me came out <3

Pool party

The cold are creeping in as we leave the pool area for the party tent.
Since I'm named tonight's movie star( for my adult movies?haha) I needed to get a second change of wardrobe like a true Goth UCG diva.
Posing my Summer party dress nr 2.

Pool party

"-Jag har lagt en kringla."
eng: I've made a pretzel= In Sweden it means you have pooped!