Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm so stressed out because of a headache and a f-ing Photoshop that won't work with me today. I had to re-do a picture from the beginning and it takes forever. I'm 2 steps away from being done, but I really MUST go to sleep now otherwise my work tomorrow will suffer. I want to finish now, but the smart thing is to hit the pillow.
I'm doing one of the prints for the t-shirts that was the winners. I hope you will like it. Some small adjustments though: the eyes will be white and I'm thinking of removing the black bows and add smaller white to the sleeves instead?

I'm a member of an 18'th Century society via the museum, and our museum decided to use THIS picture of me on their tourist folder this year! I think they are mad!
It's from a picnic and I was fooling around and made cookie eyes.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Does anybody know how to make a stiff tutu like this:

I've made tutus before, but I want one that stands out by itselves without droop. Is it just to trust the material or is there some secret involved?
Any ballet dancers amongst us?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Okey, okey, here is a picture of me in my new bikini. An ordinary strap bikini รก la 70's. Nothing special at all. Now I will just figure out how to goth pimp it with lace, ribbons, "diamonds", bows. Perhaps I'll add a spider or a bat somewhere...

I have to make some ruffle or lace in the upper front because I just noticed my caesarean section shows (I have a caesarean section because our first pregnancy was VERY complicated, with big risks for Synthia who was controlled twice a week to make sure she didn't get heart failure. She would never had survived a normal birth anyway, but we had an urgent c.s. 7 weeks too early, she only weight 1830 grams and we had to live at the hospital for 11 weeks and 3 days because she forgot to breath sometimes).

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bikini trouble

Where on earth can I find a goth bikini??? I've searched the web, e-bay and regular stores.

I have a boring black, and a sweet black and white striped and a white with lots of red hearts on it (it looked so cute when I had pink hair). But I want a more goth black on black.... lace, ruffle, bling, goth princess'ish, spiders, bats - anything!!
This is my favourite model, but it needs to be gothed up!

I have ugly black bikinis in my wardrobe - perhaps I can make them look better with some ribbons...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Not to brag or anything ^^ but this is my view from out flat this morning.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I made it, we ate it - and it was OHHH SO good!

Same skirt for sale

The same sweet skirt I'm wearing in this video is for sale now by someone at
size 36, just as mine!
Last week Synthia (to the left) graduated class 0.
It was a lovely day and the kids were just too pretty when we all celebrated the day with her <3
Back home Synthia made us all a candy cake filled with strawberrys. It was super nice!

Friday, June 18, 2010

I just LOVE this bed! It would look so good in our flat <3

Thursday, June 17, 2010

BatBrat's t-shirts

Once again I'm gonna ask you to help me out. Considering I still have the prettiest readers <3 I can put all my trust in you because of your style sence!

It seems like there will be some Adora BatBrat t-shirts in the webshop as well as some of the other objects seen in the video (yes - the heart blouse and collar and necklace is in for sure thank's to the viewers). I have absolutely NO idea what shirt will be attractive since I'm partial?
The model will be as this one: slightly puffed short sleeve, slightly bigger neckline (so we won't smudge our make up and destroy our hair!), bit slimmed and two organza bows. The picture designs is not finished, it will be things added or removed.

Top 3 perhaps? Or the one you wouldn't be caught dead wearing? Change of color? Bigger/smaller picture?



Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Todays secret modelling

A sneak-peak at todays secret photography made by
Morgan K Photography.
It will not be seen until September I guess...but I just had to show you! :)
How cool is this! It could be me - aww, how I wish someone made an Adora puppet <3  I think I'd make a perfect doll!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tuesday: Photosession at 11:00. I have NO idea on how to look? PANIK!!!

Asperger Synthdrome

I'm cutting and slicing the live performance I did with my band Asperger Synthdrome at last weeks festival. I want to make it short, otherwise it will be boring to look at and unfortunally the sound from my camera wasn't the best (yeah, try to fool people THAT'S why it sounds awful - you sing like a dead carrot you stupid girl! No camera in the world could fix that! But still, Adora - you looked great "singing").

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My day:

started with me re-coloring my hair pastel purple. As I got out of the shower I slipped on some water and sprained my left ankle. Wrapped it in real tight as fast as I could to keep it from swollen.

Then I jumped in my SAAB 9000 CSE to a mother who wanted help with her daughters wedding dress. After 2 hous I had to get back home.

At home I prettied myself up in front of the mirrow, and 16:00 my friend Magnus (from the swedish, but internationally known electro band Colony 5) came over to take some pictures of me. They turned out quite pretty i might add! :) Colony 5 played the Wave Gothic Treffen this year, and will also play at M'era Luna in August.

Then I filmed some, and now I'm so tired I feel like I'm about to fall asleep in the middle of this sentence...but I wo....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Friday, June 11, 2010

This is how the coffee break turned out!
Fairlight baked chocolate cupcakes at daycare today :)
It would be nice if they ended up like this!
I'm making puff pastry horns for the kids and I'm getting crazy from searching after my nougat!!! I'm starting to think my husband had something to do with it....

Okey, I have to figure something out. Perhaps whipped vanilla cream with nutella instead? Yeah, they'd like that...or strawberry jam and whipped cream... No, nutella it is.

This is a real cheat-baking! Not my thing really, but I have to clean out my freezer and I haven't got the time either. But they deserve something special - it's FRIDAY!
My new fangs :) And yes - they are "real"...in the meaning they can't be removed without me going to the dentist. My dentist said, after he finished, "-They are brutal!" And I can only agree!

I love my new fangs <3

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Shit! My new fangs are so long I can't even eat crackers and brie! I have to break the crackers to pieces. Holy macarony! I think you deserve a photo tomorrow :)
I've been away all day on a business-trip :) Got up at 03:00 - it's sick!
Tomorrow I have an early appointment at 07:10 with my dentist to get my fangs freshened up. Hope they will turn out fine and sharp. I always tend to bite my lip when I've re-done them. Dangerous!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Asperger Synthdrome

Just before our gig this Saturday :)
Our band is called Asperger Synthdrome.
I can't figure out who's me?
The concert was SO MUCH FUN!!!!

Tomorrow I'll be on a trip, but I will post some more from the festival asap. Live shots :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Right now

Me and my cute sister on my balcony right now :) Ha ha, we look like tourists in Turkey or something!!

Ihhh - tomorrow is when we'll be on stage with our band Asperger Synthdrome playing for the first time. We'll be at the Vince Festival, Karlskrona, Sweden. But, of cause, I will put it up on youtube later :)

Vince Festival

I have absoulutely NO idea how to do my make up on stage tomorrow!? Perhaps my sister have some great idea?
I feel like I wanna look kind of NOT so much things in the face, no swirls or spiderweb, just "ordinary" goth make up. But later, after our gig, I want to "Adora" me. That might sound strange cause most people will most certanly have an extended version of themselves on stage, but I want to do it reversed for some strange reason. Maybe my sister can whip it out of me.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Vince Festival

I'm so happy about a "secret" I'm gonna announce on stage on Saturday!

And then I'm totally stressed out about my own performance. We only sing 5 songs, but I have an extreme short memory (for real, it's a BIG problem for me since I never remember people or names. I'm always so scared I'll offend someone), so it's awful for me to remember the texts. I think I have to Scotch some notes on the floor.

Disgusting - be aware!

Yesterday our daughter Fairlight did a SUPER-PUKE! My husband was away so I had to take care of it! Ick!

She puked all evening, poor thing, but the rest ended up in a bowl. The first one landed on her, the sofa and the floor, about 50 centimeters in diameter. I almost died mopping it up!
And then I got panic! What if I get sick!!! I'm having a festival on Saturday, I can't be sick now! Well, if I get sick today that will probably be okay, and then I will also look extra thin on stage ;) You see, I always think positive..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Yesterday I think I got a dab on the head!!!

You know how sometimes you're in a situation where you really can't figure out what's going on, but later it's something about it that disturbes you about the situation? That happened to me yesterday.

The thing with these things it that the signals are so subtle you can't even tell that person he/she is far out...because then you're a fucking whine who took it the wrong way...
And I must say I was so surprised this person felt so intimidated by me, that I could not defend myself!
But if I feel I got a dab on the head, I got it! It's in the eye of the receiver.

And, no, it was NOT my husband..