Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Adora BatBrat: Make up Artist

Some of my work as a make up artist/stylist/hairstylist and camera assistant. This is Miss Frost. The pictures are made by Morgan K Photography.

This is how she looked before. She is a very pretty model from Sweden Models, Malmö.


  1. she looked so good in your styling and makeup. love it <3

  2. Beautiful model, beautiful shoot!

  3. I think she's wonderful and the pictures are great! We all know yoou've got talent for make-up!

    The only thing that's a little ugh is the fact that she's 14. Just a little too young IMO.

  4. too young for wut? she's not doing porn lol..damn people..

  5. she looks really good! and you are so good at it, you practically made her face up from nothing...there are just shades of white...not easy do!!! :)) please tell me, how did you start as a m.U.a.? did you graduate at a make up school?
