Monday, December 27, 2010

Pretty umbrella...ending with dead people

It's time to start thinking about the summer and the M'era Luna festival in Germany. I'm a big fan of DIY and this supersweet umbrella made me think perhaps I should style my own umbrella next year?
Of course I'm no fan of this vintage, shabby chic style umbrella (well, yes, embarassing enough I am, but I would never tell, not even under torture!), but I see everything in black inside my head, and in black this will be wonderful and so pretty I must poke out my eyes because it hurts too much looking at it. And all around me people will start taking suicide because they want an umbrella just like it and when they understand they can never have it they must die....well, that's just how my mind wanders away sometimes...
I just love my homemade movies my brain presents to me every day. I wish you could all sit down and watch the magic going on in there....


  1. Cool! You should do a tutorial on making umbrellas ;)

  2. Så sött det va :-) Nästan så man hade kunnat ha ett vitt om det är så sött, iallefall ihopa med rätt grejer. Fast svart är ju svart.

    Du är rolig, hade varit sjukt kul att se i din hjärna. tror vi är nästan lika knäppa där...jag har aldeles för mycke morbida suspekta saker i mitt huve...;-)

  3. Hey!
    I just want to say that I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!><
    Its so awesome.
    Im a 14 year old girl and i wanna be just like you when i grow up. You have 3 kids and you still have the awesome style! :D
    It´s fantastic!

    -Norway :)

  4. I really liked the way your mind wandered off, haha :)

  5. Can't wait to see those deadly umbrella' heads going to EXPLODE!!!! <3<3<3 -A

  6. Ooh, definitely make it! And then share a tutorial with us! But then it might not be as original, so you wouldn't have as many people committing suicide at your feet, but still...
