Friday, February 18, 2011

Vanilla Friday

Hmm, what kind of Friday do I wanna have today, I thought standing in front of my tea box?
I know - a vanilla Friday. I've never had a vanilla Friday before, just Saturdays.
This might turn out to be an interesting day indeed!
I'm so nervous about this Vanilla Friday I can't take a steady picture...


  1. I like Ginger Days. Sometimes your tea ought to fight back :}

  2. Oooh, Vanilla Friday sounds lovely. I've never tried vanilla tea. Might have to buy some!

    Also, if you like sweet teas, you shoudl try cherry and chocolate tea. Also very nice.

  3. Both of yours ideas sounds yummmy, i think i will have a go at it also :).

  4. tea <3
    "If leeches ate peaches instead of my blood, then I would be free to drink tea in the mud!"

  5. I'm having a FABULOUS Friday recooperating from last night's full moon revelries! ;) -)O(

  6. Yummy! Vanilla is my favorite flavor, but Vanilla Ginger sounds even better...

  7. Vanilla is so good! Today is my Sweet Rose tea day. Just got it and love it.

  8. I had a...sneezing Friday ))) Caught a cold, so stayed at home with Chinese green tea ^__~ And with the kitty on my laps =)

  9. Ginger and lemon tea weekend :)I keep vanilla for rainy days :)

  10. oolong tea sundays are fantastic :]

    I have to ask, how do you get your eyebrows to stay perfect all day?
