Wednesday, April 20, 2011

More easter crafting

The crafting have no end!!

My endearing husband have trouble with a few of my personality types. One is my hoarding.
I save the most stupid things because, as you know, it might come in handy... He says "blablaa, you are never going to use this crap".
And this time, HA-HAA, I proved him wrong!
After, for some reason I can not remember, I saved the packing plastic from my timer for a year, I finally found a use for it! This made me very pleased :)
I used it to mold supercute sugar easter rabbits to give to all the hostesses at the easter dinners I'm going to.
and yes, it says 242 on the timer because I love Front 242
Molded sugar:
½-1 teaspoon of water
caramel color
1 dl sugar 

Mix the caramel color with the water then pour down the sugar. The consistency should be as wet sand (if not add some more sugar or water). If it gets to wet the sugar will start melting and they will not look as "sugary". I keep mine as dry as possible.
Use any mold and press the sugar tight with your fingers. Cut clean on the surface. Take some oven paper and hold against the mold, turn over and put on a plate (if bigger stuff, put directly to a plate to avoid cracks). Let dry for about two hours. DO NOT poke on your mold until it's completely dry otherwise it will fall apart quicker then the local fool will collect cans on a Saturday night.
When it's dry you can decorate it with royal icing and sprinkles.

I will not rub his face in it saying "I told you it would come to use" because the other things I have laying around is most likely crap...


  1. Caramel colour, is that just food-colour?

  2. Adorable...I have yet to find a good use for the stupid things I hoard! I am very much looking forward to the day I can go "aha...see..I was right" to my hubby! :) Hearts, Janna Lynn

  3. you should make us do contests where the person that comes up with the best use for all your "crap" wins.

  4. Oh my Dark Lord, you are an absolute genius! Awesome idea.

  5. That is so cute and clever!! The actually bunny timer looks a bit disturbing though...
    I'm sure you can find a few more hoarded things that can be useful!! That way, you can ensure you get to keep whatever you want ;]

  6. Oh boy, I'm THAT person now -- leaving contact info in a comment. Sorry for doing this, but I couldn't find another way to contact you!

    I'm the editor of Offbeat Home and I found your blog today as I was skipping through the wonderland of the web. Offbeat Home covers all things not in the mainstream of having a home, housekeeping, decor and philosophies -- and we do it with guest posts. I feel like you might have posts to contribute, and I'd love to read them. Maybe something goth-Martha-esque? A cooking or crafty tutorial?

    Take a look at our submissions page to start. If you have any questions, drop me a line:
