Thursday, November 17, 2011

Blog problem

Many have alerted me there is a wrong message in Swedish coming up when you try to read my blog. I'm on it! It's my counter that have failed to count visitors the last 30 days. I have contacted them and hopefully it will be sorted out soon. :)


  1. Gosh! Nice to read that! :D I was so afraid of that ghostly message coming out every time I open the site xD

  2. I was wondering what that message was all about. By any chance, do you have an english translation of what it said? I have to admit, I was worried about it for a while. Thank you for getting it all sorted out. If it helps any, I didn't get the message when I came on today (Nov. 17; 18:33 PST). Maybe the problem is all fixed!

  3. blacksheep if you go to google you can select on the top menu on the drop down part a translator just copy and paste the message into that, select swedish to english and presto you can get it translated.

  4. It's ok now, so I can enjoy reading your blog withouth message appearing:)

  5. Good point, Anonymous. I have to say, I didn't think about doing that. Thanks for the tip - I'll have to remember it in case it comes up again. Although, with any luck, the message won't show up again.

  6. The message that appears is about a counter I added this spring, but the owner of the counter-server did not like that heavy traffic on the server so she de-activated the counter and now suddenly this message appears. To get rid of it I must edit all posts and remove the code but there are some left. Right now about 200 of 700 is fixed, puh!
