Todays style was *Shopping*! One of my favorite sports.
One of the few sports I can indulge myself in for hours and hours...
I bought a few things for Synthia's birthday party on Saturday, and I even had the time to buy something small for myself <3
I'm wearing my "grown up" make up today because of lack of time. I do love myself better with goth make up. Okay, this works, I still think I look cute, but it looks so adult and parenting!
I'm wearing: top and dotted stockings by H&M, gloves by Lindex or H&M, skirt; heavily altered by me, shoes by Demonia.
This is the most fun I've had in years weeks days.
I wonder which bags weight more?
Oops! Perhaps I did a shopping overdose?
I might get away with it if I look really, really cute ;*
So what? I'm busted and this is a mug shot! If you can't do the time, don't do the crime...
I'll be back on the streets before you can say grounded!