Monday, August 30, 2010
Fly to London
If everything goes by plan I might land in London with my sweet sister in late September to early October. Wouldn't that be a blast!!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Todays outfit and make up
Blouse, waist thing is an under clothing, bow from Sonia Rykiel - all H&M, Lady Gaga-like gloves with rhinestone hearts, skirt from Shock, skull tights, stripe socks and Demonia shoes with a star on, pink glitter watch from Jet Set. I just had an evening in, so it's nothing spectacular.
Todays outfit
Friday, August 27, 2010
It's FRIIIIDAY! Nerdy facts about me
I'd like to have this pretty glass <3 From Pressies 4 Princesses for £16.49
I LOVE Friday's <3
This is a bit nerdy I guess, but:
EVERY Friday I switch my regular water glass to a high ball glass with a big red heart on it (well I force my husband to use one too) just to make a point of it's now FRIIIIDAY <3. I've done it for years.
I'm guessing most people have a Friday-ritual, but this is one that I always do.
Of cause I make myself extra pretty for my husband too :*
We also have Friday disco! We have done that since we moved in together. We put on old Maxi singles and dance together. Nowadays we do it with the kids so it's mostly Lady Gaga and Katy Perry, but we can sneak in a few electro hits too :)
Please tell me if you have any Friday wacky things going on! So I know I'm not the only crazy person...
I LOVE Friday's <3
This is a bit nerdy I guess, but:
EVERY Friday I switch my regular water glass to a high ball glass with a big red heart on it (well I force my husband to use one too) just to make a point of it's now FRIIIIDAY <3. I've done it for years.
I'm guessing most people have a Friday-ritual, but this is one that I always do.
Of cause I make myself extra pretty for my husband too :*
We also have Friday disco! We have done that since we moved in together. We put on old Maxi singles and dance together. Nowadays we do it with the kids so it's mostly Lady Gaga and Katy Perry, but we can sneak in a few electro hits too :)
Please tell me if you have any Friday wacky things going on! So I know I'm not the only crazy person...
Thursday, August 26, 2010
New OFFICIAL Facebook
Since stupid, stupid Facebook stops at a 5,000 friends limit I had to make a fan page, even if it feels un-personal but then I can be added by all of those sweet people who wants to add me <3
I of cause hope everyone who joined me already wants to add themself to my new page too. I will try to maintain both and make them personal.
Adora BatBrat (official)
I of cause hope everyone who joined me already wants to add themself to my new page too. I will try to maintain both and make them personal.
Adora BatBrat (official)
My new video
It was refused from stupid youtube because of the music, so until I've had a chance to change that I figured I could just publish it here for the time being :)
Facebook 5000 friend limit
I never could have dreamed about so many people wanted to add me on FB, but now I've reached the 5000 friends limit. I thought it would automatically transform to some kind of fan page, but it didn' just said:
STOP - if you want to add more friends you have to delete some! What?! That is so sad. I wanted everyone who took their time to add me could be able to join me, but now I must start a fan page so those who can't come in still will be able to be friends. But fan-pages seems so un-personal. That bums me off.
But, hey, no use in moping! I'd better get that fan-page going and try to be positive instead. I just hope I can maintain 2 FB accounts and make them both personal..I'll make it for those wonderful, sweet people who joins me <3
Darn you, Facebook, for giving me trouble and dubble the workload!!!
STOP - if you want to add more friends you have to delete some! What?! That is so sad. I wanted everyone who took their time to add me could be able to join me, but now I must start a fan page so those who can't come in still will be able to be friends. But fan-pages seems so un-personal. That bums me off.
But, hey, no use in moping! I'd better get that fan-page going and try to be positive instead. I just hope I can maintain 2 FB accounts and make them both personal..I'll make it for those wonderful, sweet people who joins me <3
Darn you, Facebook, for giving me trouble and dubble the workload!!!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Trying out new designs

Monday, August 23, 2010
My review: Forever Young 2010 Kalmar
Saturday I went to a festival called Forever Young 2010. The bands I watched was Jakob Hellman (a swedish man who is a living myth because he made this fantastic record 1989 and then said he could never make something as great again so he left the scene until now).
For me who acctually saw him playing in a record store 1989 this was a magic moment and a teen flashback. He was just as good, had the same teen suffering and desperation in his voice as well as his body language. I acctually felt he was singing to me from time to time :)
Ultravox I had no special relation to from before accept their hit songs Vienna and Dancing with tears in my eyes and the funny look the singer had in the 80's. But - WOW! Those older men blow me away!! The gig was so tight and professional. I don't even know where to begin...
First off - the percussionist looked like a vampire, and that is always a plus in my book, and the synth-player in front of me was so in the moment and played like an angel on his violin and the singer had such nice clothes and his voice was so strong and he almost glowed because he was enjoying the concert so much - and it reflected back on the audience. The other synth-player I could not see especially well, but he must have done a great job!
Last night gave me a new favorite Ultravox song - Hymn. I've played it on repeat many times today, and already put it in the folder for next years M'era Luna record! Also - they all wear black'ish stylish clothes.
Then it was time for my undisputedly favourite swedish band - Lustans Lakejer. I have only this to say - if I die today, I would die a happy girl :)
The gig gave me chills, tears, pain, joy, despair and anxiety.
First off, it was the most "designed" gig with the depraved and gallant Johan Kinde accompanied by skinny, pretty fashionista boys with side bangs (all from other famous swedish synthpop inspired bands) that made it look so well thought trough (and I also think it was no coincidence. Johan is a man of visions).
Mr Kinde walked out like the dandy he is with a negligent buttoned shirt with the cuffs flapping and an untied bow tie. A champagne glass made the image complete.
His voice was filled with teen hopelessness, sophistication and the feeling of being blasé. I have always called Lustans Lakejer swedens answer to The Cure, so you can just imagine how much I cherish them.
He delivered hit after hit and my heart jumped on every word he sang.
All of a sudden my favorite song "Paradisets Portar" (Gates of Paradise) started to play, and I got so overtaken my tears well over. I NEVER thought I would get to hear this song live.
This is the the lines that always makes me cry:
"Varför flockades alla svarta korpar när lyckan sken på oss
Varför kunde inte världen låta oss vara, varför måste de förfölja oss
Men ingen kan känna smärtan jag döljer i mitt bröst"
(Why did all the black ravens gather when happiness shined upon us
Why couldn't the world let us be, why did they have to persecute us
But noone can feel the pain I hide within my chest)
The smalltalk inbetween songs was personal, funny and smart. Although, friends of mine who wasn't such big fans as I thought he sounded stuck up and snobbish. I beg to differ!
Extra plus: Apparently Mr Kinde approached my sister beliving it was me earlier <3 but after the gig he found me and walked with us 4 to town. Of cause I got a pic of this ;) A sweet moment for me and my husband (who's the nice person that introduced me to their music 1989).
Next in line was Reeperbahn. I have nothing to say about them since I never listened to them earlier, and didn't listen to them now. But from what I saw they didn't look stylish.
Then - Alphaville. After all the reviews from this tour I had no expectations at all. Apparently he burped in the microphone at one concert, was arrogant to the audience at another and acted high on drugs on all. I was almost afraid.
But can you imagine - this evening he must have mixed all his drugs right because he was happy as a child on Christmas Eve, smiled and jumped around.
I did see Alphaville about 2004 and that was a real downer so I'm very happy they could erase this bad memory from my mind and replacing it with this warm and tender concert. The loving arms of my husband and the kisses from his black lipstick of cause made it even better.
It started off with everybodys favorite song Dance with me. The crowd went wild! Of cause the years changed his voice a bit, but sometimes the old Marian Gold voice shined trough and those moments gave me chills. He played one of my favorite songs; Jet Set. The whole show ended as it started - with Dance with me - but unplugged. The audince almost hold it's breath. It was so beautiful <3 Thank you, Marion.
Last, but not least: Human League. A wonderful stage set up with lots of white. Philip looked very smart in his different outfits of super tailored clothes. His former girlfriend (the brunette) was struggeling with her moves but still caught my attention since she looked very sweet. The blonde girl in my opinion was..well, not my style. She came out in a trouser-suit!!! That was it for me. I could not look at her. She had samba moves and her shin up in the air like a snob. At one time she came out in a very short dress, and did some high lifting of her legs so you could see her whole vagina (well, panties)!
Philip's voice is one of the best in the world I think, very full and dark. I think he was a bit strange on stage though. He had some moves where he resembled of a mix between Stevie Wonder and Mr Bean from time to time. But of cause I will forgive him for that because of his amazing voice. Best singing performance was Human and best song for me was Being Boiled.
He should have replaced those girls with me and my sister instead ;) Nah, the girls did good, but I really think the blonde should think a bit more on to look a bit more humble.
Philip did surprise on walking out in something that looked like a pyjamas for the extras. A wierd moment.
I did think the gig was a bit "dry". I didn't sence the tightness as I did when the other bands played. But it was still a wonderful gig, maily because of Philips voice. And also, the young synth player should have an eulogy for his positive energy and the way he played.
Adora has now left the concert. Thank you!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Mini-festival in Kalmar
I'm soon leaving for Nybro, and then to Kalmar (my old hometown) for a minifestival tonight with Alphaville and Human League amongst others - and of cause friends. Sunday I'll go to IKEA to shop :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
How's the video coming...
I'm having two videos on my clipping table. 1 is almost done, but misses one scene. It's a crafts video (see picture). The other one is of cause the Day1 and Day 2 from this years M'era Luna :) It's maaaany pictures and videos to go through..
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I'm trying to learn how to update my hompage now when I've got it handed over from the designer and programmer (it's not really done yet), but I'm so afraid to mess something up. I can only hope for it to be dummy-proved programmed ;)
Here's a picture of me from 2001 before an EGF festival in Stockholm. It's at a friends flat - and NO - the beer bottle and the cola isn't mine! You know from my party videos I only schnapps ;)
Started the day with a breakfast meeting about social media at 07.30 :) and finished it off with a meeting about the webshop to come, and then a quick fill-in on my latest tattoo; the heart on my left ringfinger needed filling and I wanted bigger boobs on the picture of all in all you might say I got a boobjob in 30 seconds ;)
Monday, August 16, 2010
My Day 1 make up at M'era Luna festival
Done! I was some kind of reindeer ballerina princess I guess...
My Day 2 make up at M'era Luna festival. I had V-bangs Day 1. See?
I was ehh..perhaps a doll? My fav part is the pet bat attached to my crown.
With my pretty German friend Sinja.
I sometimes get asked if I use skin bleaching products, like Porcelain skin. But I don't.
This made me think that perhaps I should... I do really like to be pale.
Have anyone here tried any skin bleaching products?
I think I will not use it since it's probably not good for you, but I can't help but being intrigued.
I'll just continue to be pale by the help of make up I guess..
This made me think that perhaps I should... I do really like to be pale.
Have anyone here tried any skin bleaching products?
I think I will not use it since it's probably not good for you, but I can't help but being intrigued.
I'll just continue to be pale by the help of make up I guess..
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Tomorrows to do list:
being in front of my sewing machine trying out different sewing tecniques to make my tops look interesting :)
being in front of my sewing machine trying out different sewing tecniques to make my tops look interesting :)
Just made dammsugare/vacuum cleaner cookies in green and pink, now I'll do the frosting for my sticky brownie cookies, then time to do the cake. Nothing fancy though. I have not had time to think about it :(
It's for Synthia's b-day party for her classmates today at 14:00.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Todays reenactment of the 18'th century. Well, for me, as being a vampire and all, I have already lived this century, but it was nice to do it again ;) These clothes always makes me feel so happy, but I think it's about time to make a new dress and a new wig though. If only the day had 48 hours instead of 24...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Day 1 at M'era Luna (taken from the web)

Rubber collar with matching cuffs made by my friend Thistle from the band Mergel Kratzer
(the latex "Blümchensex" over it was given by the girl Le Misanthrope underneath and is not attached originally)

Day 2 at M'era Luna
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Packing for Germany and a weekend of electro music at M'era Luna festival. Be back on Monday at 19:00.
For the ones who'll be there - I hope we meet!!!
For the ones who'll be there - I hope we meet!!!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Now I have perfect colored hair for the M'era Luna festival on Saturday; Directions VIOLET mixed with PINK FLAMINGO and conditioner, and my left side white; Directions SILVER mixed with conditioner.
Tomorrow morning I will bleach and color my hair. I know it will look good - but it takes so long.. I hate spending all that time in the shower. I hope I mix the purple color right since there is no time for errors.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Last night at 01:00 I did something in clay to wear with one of the outfits. I have no f*cking idea on how to attach the damn thing, but hopefully that will solve itself. It will look cute I think, but it's not so smart doing things you have no idea on how wear...
Don't forget to read the meeting point at M'era Luna in an earlier inlay.
Don't forget to read the meeting point at M'era Luna in an earlier inlay.
Trying out one of the M'era Luna make ups right now. Think it will be okey :)
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