Get hold of something firm, or call a help line or something, because this will be bad! I'm producing the first ever pictures of me without ANY make up!!! Nude!
Ghastly, I know! I'm sorry for doing this to you.
To maintain this fanciful exterior I have devoted my life to I need to do some sacrifices once a week.
One sacrifice makes me say; "Ouch! For the love of...!", "Man, that hurts!" and "Aargggh!!!".
That's my Saturday Sacrifice: The
Before, with all the brows trying to get a grip on my face
(and yes, it is my correct eye color, I have only changed the rest to grayscale)
I use Veet cold wax stripes for legs and cut them in right sizes. This way it's cheaper and better I think. Add some Vaseline (or the potion sent in the package) and rub over the area afterwards to remove any access wax.

But this was an impulse. I just couldn't stop! At first the eyebrows swirl made me look so angry. What to do? I couldn't remove what I did without ruining the make up, so I just had to keep it going until it looked ok.

Think it's too many pictures of me? Mo-ha-ha-haaa, I'm not done yet!