Since I'm (we're) gonna visit my dad and extra mums house for a sleep over tonight I just had to make some kind of bribe to bring with me to smooth the hustle of my homemade clan of mini me's.
I'm such a good daughter! Much better than that other one ;) <3
Adora's Rhubarb bribe (WARNING! Not Montignac!):
rhubarbs - given from my husbands co-worker
3 big tablespoons of sugar
dash of cinnamon
138 grams of butter (room temperature)
3 dl of wheat flour
2-3 tablespoons of sugar
Cut the rhubarb as you would a finger of your hostage, bit by bit. Approximately 1 cm at the time (you don't have to peal it this way).
Throw it in a pretty pie tin.
Toss the sugar and the cinnamon on top and grope it with your hands to rub the rhubarb in sugar.
I liked saying that - rub the rhubarb!
Okay, back on track. Butter, flour, sugar in a mixing bowl and use an electric handmixer. Stop when the crumbs are big enough.
(Too small crumbs? Mix it with your hand - the heat will help the butter, or add bit more butter, or more flour if you want smaller crumbs).
Pour on top of the rubbed rhubarb, toss in oven (I use 175-200 degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes).
When pie has got a golden crust, remove it from heat. Let set at room temperature for at least 10 minutes, 20 is recommended.
Serve with lightly whipped cream with added vanilla and sugar.
Oh, I just can't wait!