Here's the thing - we were supposed to have black sclera lenses, that's why we choose to have dirty white outfits, to bring out the eyes more.
But I was a bit too late to order, and then I didn't want the fuss about changing outfits, so in panic I choose the next best thing - white screen lenses. But imagine my surprise - it looked sooooo cool!!
We sang "Two blind mices..." all day :)

And yes, I'm aware of my friend sniffing my genitals. What can I say - we're swedish!
The pretty (and available *hurry*) sister of mine coming out of the bathroom looking happy. Makes me wonder what she did in there?

Sweet cutie Hanna came to our hostel (with lovable mum) for the pre-party

My husband illustrates how short he feels next to Jenni and her plateau shoes :) Or perhaps he is just a pygmy? I never cared to look below his *beep* -is

There will follow more pictures from the pre-party as the festival. Keep posted for Day 1, part 3! But since requested I throw in a few pictures at once :)