When you position yourself in the coffin pose every night (or day for those who can't enter the light) you want to sleep in style.
With those new completely dark drapers we don't even need a coffin any more so we can enjoy having a stylish bed and lovely linen.
Spiderweb is something you never can go wrong with, but personally I would have prefered a white with black webs. I'm sure that's available somewhere.
These are from Sin in Linen and can be bought for $79 HERE.
I have an old classic bed from IKEA (this is from my previous apartment). I also made a matching gantry to make it a canopy bed (in the 90's there were no such beds to get hold of here in Sweden so I had to make my own..)

About half of my friend group have the same one... I really, really like it.
Two of the 3 kids was made in it, that's how good it is!
BUT if I have had not this bed I'd love to be in bed with one of these:
From Wrought Iron Furniture . But what's with the bedding?! Whooa, those "normal" people are just SO scary!
This is my favorite amongst the group!
An all white bedroom and some blood squirts (fake, if you wish) over the linen and the walls.Wow, it would be so incredible!
This bed is so pricy I would probably scream myself to sleep every evening, but it is pretty!
It's a Tennyson bed from And So To Bed. Can be bought for $4000 (?) and above if I'm not mistaken.
Not liking the rest of the room, just the bed. To me it looks a bit like Flander's bedroom with those curtains and stuff. Like seriously religious instead of cool goth. But the bed itself looks lovely.
At Corsican you can look at 2545 different kinds of beds, many beautiful goth worthy, but I have no idea where to buy them :(
But you can't write about gothic beds and not mention Newtons over the top beds!
What little goth girl have not dreamed of having adventures with another dark soul in this roubust bed.
In my apartment this fantastic piece would unfortunately not look so good since the rooms are quite small, but a girl can dream, can't she?
Our kids have this kinds of adjustable beds: all from IKEA.
It seems to still be available HERE for £74.99.
Bed "Minnen". Synthia's is the same, but in black.
This is the style of TeeBee's bed (but not his actual bed). I love the "prison" feeling to it. Perhaps he does not...
This one seems to be available HERE for $115.

All their rooms are getting a slight make over now when the Christmas things are out.
Fairlight wants a Candy room, Synthia a Jungle room, and TeeBee is not yet decided on if he wants a Robot room, an Aeroplane room or an Aqua room. I hope he goes for a Robot room!
The kids all have their own room, but if they were supposed to share a room I would so go for this one!
Prettiest bunk bed I've ever seen.
I love all you designers that makes life so much more beautiful <3 Thank's!
And all of you creative people out there:
You can just buy some MDF board, and paint the style of the bedhead, incredible cheaper but still cool! Or buy this very light, but thick, aluminum metal wire and shape it. It will not be as sustainable but it may achieve the right look.
Sleep tight, (don't) let the vampire goths bite!