(I'm not sure that is the right word in english..?)
Most breeders cats here in Sweden only have a few litters, then they will retire and often these cats can have trouble fitting in with the more aggressive fertile girls as a castrate and would love to have a new, bit calmer retirement home - maybe yours?
If you go for a siamese - go for two! They love company (most cats do) and you will get a much happier cat - well - cats!
Some of Porsches babies from the last litter. They are sooooo cute!

Kittens can be SO crazy!
And for us, having 3 kids as well, we don't have the time to dicipline another baby AND an adult cat can tell the kids when enough is enough!
Miu! There - you lost an arm, kiddo!
We have always had the best of luck with our outplacement cats.
They have all grown to be so adored by us.
For example; Princen when he arrived HATED being tickled on his cute belly and always was like a fox trap around your arm as soon as you tried to touch him there.
We trained him for a week with shoving him over, layed our hand on his belly and waited for the fox trap to close. Aouu!! It was such pain!!
But we kept the hand still, said "No", and waited for him to release his grip and then gave him re-inforcement by saying "Good" and then let go of his cutie belly.
One week later he was so happy to have his mushi-mushi belly tickled. We could even bury our face in it without risking the head coming off...
Since then he turns belly side up as soon as you come near him. Isn't that just too sweet <3

Their temeperament is lovely, they are very attentive to you, wants to be with you all the time, are funny, happy and crazy, many likes to play apport, they are kind and almost baby like in the way the love you.
They are maintanence free (and for Cat Shows you just have to comb their fur for a week, clean their ears, nose and eyes and then you are ready to win!).
A Foreign White (white siamese, always hearing). This is Albert. Picture borrowed from breeder La Voix.
For you who lives in Sweden and also wanna check out the princes and princesses of the cat world, go to a cat show, speak with the breeders, let them know who you are and get a feeling for the breed.
If you are interested in having a cat for cat shows, take help from a pro on how your breeds standard is.
Both Signhild, Porsche and even Princen (he competed in the domestic cat league) won in their class (well, Princen came on 2'd place, but that was a proud moment still!).
Here are some pages where you can find outplacement cats from serious people:
Siames i Fokus: Omplacering
This girl, Honeybun, is one outplacement cat, and she's got good genes for Cat Shows I can tell.
(don't know if she's still up for adoption though)

Hold someones hand, this story is so scary!!!