Today it's me, Jenni, the youngest one of the sisters that got the honour to write a post here in Adora's blog.
The plan is that I will write a blog-post here every Friday, and if you feel like you can't wait until next friday for next post you'll find out what I'm doing the rest of the week at :
From now on I will switch my nickname "Cienwen Noor" to... *snaredrum*.... Iva Insane! (It's easier to remember, and a lot better, don't you think?) Actually, my middle name is "Iva", and I've always loved that so much! (Thanks mum & dad <3)

She has vampire-teeths, making gorgeous cupcakes, is a great inspiration to a lot of people all over the world.... Yeah! You got it right! My sister, Adora BatBrat of course!
Adora and I have never grown up together. Partly because the difference in age, but also because we're half-sisters and just have the same dad.
My sister has always been a great source of inspiration to me, and I remember how fun and exiting it was for me as a kid to take the train to her over the weekend. She used to "force" me to listen to her kind of music, fix my hair and make up, do some shopping together with me (I was just permitted to buy black clothes of course), and eating apple-pie with vanilla ice-cream at a café were we could sit near the window and look down at the people on the streets.
When I grown a little older (and my feets no longer was to small), she let me borrow her pretty Dr. martens boots when I was there for visit. I can still remember how beautiful I felt like when I was wearing those shoes <3
She settled in as my "babysitter" when I, as a 14-year old little girl, wanted to go to electro-goth clubs to check out handsome guys with black hair and undercuts *drool*
In the summer 2007 she took me to my first music-festival ever- M'era Luna, and ever since then we've been visiting the festival every year. It's like a "sister-thing-weekend" for me!
It's Adora who is the "pushing" person when it comes to trips we want to make or parties we wanna go to. Whitout her I would probably been sitting on my chair and rotted.
I can always count on her and call her whenever i feel sad, happy, need some advice or.....whatever! <3
She'll never get mad at me (at least not so I notice it) and has a great patience!
She's one of the few persons I would sacrifice my life for, the one that can make me laugh until i burst in to tears, a wounderful mother to three sweet kids and she's so creative and arty that it makes everyone amazed!
I could make this list to a "never ending story" but I think I will stop here and finish my blog-post with:

Adora here.
...I'm speachless...
My heart just bursted over with love <3
Thank you so much for your kind words, sis.
Jenni is, as you noticed, just as wonderful and pretty on the inside as she is on the outside. And that means
I'm more like a pretty shell with a nasty and wicked inside.
But Jenni and I share the same feature; Insanity, so her new name, Iva Insane, is very accurate ;)
I'm very proud to be Jenni's sister, and I love how we both are so mutual even if we didn't grow up together.
My favorite every year is to walk with her beautiful self next to me when we go to M'era Luna.
I love you too <3 <3 <3
I'm so happy she wanted to join me here, and I hope many of you are pleased to know you now can tap in to her life too :)