I went for black and green today.
Pulled my usual stunts, then drew a few lines, added some dots (my perfectly round dots are made by H&M dipliner. The point is usually too hard when you buy it so I press it hard against a hard surface - like my heart, a few times to make it softer).

I then use a small amount of vaseline on a brush and paint on the place I want to add glitter to, then dip another brush to paint the glitter on. Of course you can use a primer instead but I think it dries too fast and won't hold as much glitter.
Pulled my usual stunts, then drew a few lines, added some dots (my perfectly round dots are made by H&M dipliner. The point is usually too hard when you buy it so I press it hard against a hard surface - like my heart, a few times to make it softer).

I then use a small amount of vaseline on a brush and paint on the place I want to add glitter to, then dip another brush to paint the glitter on. Of course you can use a primer instead but I think it dries too fast and won't hold as much glitter.