One thing: I really dislike people who think you can live on old qualifications!
"-I used to be cool too, and had black nails and make up." Ok, so??? Do it now then and I'll respect it. I can understand people who doesn't do it everyday because of work, but what about clubnights?
The electro scene in Sweden is dying - and I can understand why.
Who want's to be a part of something where most active are older (like me), fat and stuck up to believe they are better then someone new to the electro scene just because they happened to be teens in the 80's?

I became part of the electro subculture because of its fashion, its amazing haircuts and the make up as well as the music. If Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode had looked like this sailorboy I would never had payed any attention. Kids needs people to look up to, to romanticise about, to be their rolemodels. I for sure, can't feel resembles to "ordinary" looking people. Dave sat my heart on fire, and by 1981 he had sweet make up and a nosepiercing.
To stop the Swedish electro scene from going straight to the grave we need to show the younger public we still are a part of this subculture. For GOD's sake - use the kohl kajal, not just talk about how cool you used to be when you used it. Being old is NOT about being stuck up and yawn. Where did the happiness and the creativity go? THAT my friends is why the Swedish electro scene is dying.... (Adora in a mood)
Något där i inspirerade mig. Jag har länge inte känt ork eller lust att piffa mig längre, och visst jag är bara 20, jag har aldrig varit "extrem" men det är ju bara ännu en orsak till att Inte ge upp på sminket (among other things). Your great.
ReplyDeleteyou are right, ypoung people MUST learn more, about the begining of the electro moevment, not only said " yeah I like and onde" ..mmm as u said.. SOOO???, its music and art.
ReplyDeleteTake care
many people ask me why I am reaching 20 and still am different.
ReplyDeleteMy desire is to crush those who say that to me, because ideologies are for life and not a single time
who abandons his style never had it, I think so
ReplyDeleteI have never been to Sweden, but i was in germany for a long time this past year. So i can say i hope you can in some way help. Yes im young, but i have been a part of what i call my heart world for a long time. I listen to music from the 80's. European mind you, not nasty American music. Wish things could be like they used to be!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog by the way <3
I know, right?!?!? Where did the real Goth go? Now it's only posers and fakes desprate for attention or 'emo'. As a teen right now, I did not grow up in the 80's, but I have been trying to spread the electro. I don't know where this 'emo' stuff came from but now everyone thinks as Goths as emotionaly messed up and depressed, but my friends think I'm the happiest girl in the world.
ReplyDeleteGood luck spreading the electro love over there in Sweden,
Ravenz In Wonderland
I am from austria, and there is no real "black scene". The main thing is, that people move on,and what i like when i am 20, is not the same when i am 40. So i think you can be cool at the age of 40 without dressing totally black. I don´t like it when people just define theirselves with their clothing!
ReplyDeleteit is really naive and stupid to think you will stay the same your whole life and that you must not move on and change tastes for being permitted to call yourself a goth once upon a time. oh and how i dislike people who call others posers... the simple thinking so low of others and so high of themselves (for what reason??) is just the top of arrogance and intolerance
ReplyDeletejust accept and value, that everything's changing and not everything was better back then!
Be true to yourself, that is the most important. I you are into something, jump in. no matter the age.
ReplyDeleteAdora this was EXACTLY what I feel about the goth/electro scene here in the US, people are very elitist and with the different styles emerging, people are putting others down because they are not enough of something or overdoing something. The term Poser has infected American culture and people just don't respect others anymore for their individuality...I'm moving to europe!
ReplyDeletehaha kidding, I love you Adora!!!!
I want to learn swedish now haha.
I am over 30s as well, and still I enjoy all the make up and the fashion, as much I enjoy the music. Maybe I am not so extreme as I used to be in my every day life (for me, cause my friends still believe that I look like a freak!!), but even when I am working out or I do my homekeeping routine,I dont loose my style. Because, after all, this is what I am and thats cant change. So I understand what you mean. ];)
ReplyDeleteGo Adora go!
ReplyDeleteOkay, Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteWhoever said it was wrong to use word 'Poser' because it makes me look 'arrogant and intolerant', get ready to read...
I am not incondfident or arrogant, but all of these people in America that want to be noticed ( I see this everyday, I am not making this up) and they need attention and so they either scream out random words and then laugh like they didn't mean to cause attention to themselves OR they dress up totally in black, and when people give in and ask why they are so depressed they say "I'm not depressed, I'm just Goth." So now all of the East Cost thinks that Goth is someone who cuts themselves or thinks about death all the time, and it pisses me off, cause thats totally not what it is. And believe me, 25% of my school are momentarly "Goth", a.k.a., mourning over life or pretending to be suicdal! That is totally not what Goth is, especially Electro Goth. The other day someone asked me what "my type" (I guess he meant Goth, but that friggin guy just made himself look like an idiot saying that) and I showed him The Cure, Colony 5, and everything I listen to, and then he said he listening to that when he was a kid, too. I said I wouldn't be suprised, and he got in my face and said "I'm not afraid of you". Was I saying that he should be?!?! So now the American ( false) definition for Goth is: Cutter, scary, suicidal, no emotions, threatening and all in between.
Now, Anonymous, do you see why I use the 'shameless' term Poser. Because they happened to ruin the Goth IN AMERICA!
Sådär är det ju tyvärr i alla alternativa scener. Det finns en liten klick som anser sig rättrogna som lätt kan göra det svårt för nykomlingar att känna sig hemma.
ReplyDeleteDock måste jag erkänna att jag kan ha lite svårt för folk som kommer till spelningar dressed to the teeth medans de annars är mest svenne. Då blir det ju en köpt stil där det mest handlar om utseendet. Den som har spenderat mest pengar på Ebay vinner. Då har jag mer respekt för folk som sitter i värsta skogshuggar-munderingen men med fet skivsamling och stort intresse.
Själv spenderar jag hellre pengar på skivor och böcker än att ha "rätt" kläder.
When I got into all the things I love today (I'll admit!) the æsthetic was a very important part of it and is still is!
ReplyDeleteBeing a visual artist myself all the eye can see is a very important aspect.
The senses must be fulfilled to enjoy oneself!
When I got into all the things I love today (I'll admit!) the æsthetic was a very important part of it and is still is!
ReplyDeleteBeing a visual artist myself all the eye can see is a very important aspect.
The senses must be fulfilled to enjoy oneself!