Here's the second hair bow I modelled for The House of Wade Lee. (and yes, it's fake fur if anyone was wondering, and fake flower, and fake lashes, and fake...)
Monday, January 31, 2011
More modelling pictures for The House of Wade Lee
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Goth gadgets
I wished I had an extra apartment where I could go totally goth in the decorations.
Why I don't do it now? I hate colors (in my living area), it makes me scatter-brained so I can only survive having a white apartment.
Sure, I add colored pillows and curtains from time to time - BUT I can remove them easy and then I'm left with that calming white again :)
But IF I had this mirror world apartment I sure would hang this in the ceiling!
Why I don't do it now? I hate colors (in my living area), it makes me scatter-brained so I can only survive having a white apartment.
Sure, I add colored pillows and curtains from time to time - BUT I can remove them easy and then I'm left with that calming white again :)
But IF I had this mirror world apartment I sure would hang this in the ceiling!
Find it here at
Goth gadgets
My Saturday was spent celebrating my husbands brothers son who turned 18.
It was lots of fun, and here in Sweden that means when you come of age (is that the right expression, really?), so he now has the right to buy alcohol at pubs. I'm guessing he was the first one in line yesterday!
Very strange considering you are allowed to buy it at pubs 2 years earlier... I'm guessing the state want that money for those two years.
And I know noone who waited past 16 for their first drunkenness..
My first drunkenness was at the age of 15.
We were a big gang of girls, and we had a rule so we all tried, but at different times, so a few of us got drunk, and the other girls took care of the drunken ones (smart, right!). I was one of the last ones to try. This time it was me and a girl named Jenny. We didn't know how much we were supposed to drink, but we wanted to make sure to get drunk. It my case that was drinking 1½ bottle of red and white wine in just 3 minutes.
Needless to say - I couldn't be in the same room where my parents opened a bottle of wine for the next comming 8 years.... They teased me a LOT about it :)
Drunk I got, puked I did, laughed about I've done ever since.
It was lots of fun, and here in Sweden that means when you come of age (is that the right expression, really?), so he now has the right to buy alcohol at pubs. I'm guessing he was the first one in line yesterday!
I admit - I was not the best me, I used the time to make my kids pretty in their hair and then there was no time for poor me :( This is my "boring" hairstyle. Shit - I'm really in a need of bleaching my roots!
But it's not until 20 you can go to the "Systembolaget" (we still have alcohol controlled by the state in just one special store) and buy liquoer yourself.Very strange considering you are allowed to buy it at pubs 2 years earlier... I'm guessing the state want that money for those two years.
And I know noone who waited past 16 for their first drunkenness..
My first drunkenness was at the age of 15.
We were a big gang of girls, and we had a rule so we all tried, but at different times, so a few of us got drunk, and the other girls took care of the drunken ones (smart, right!). I was one of the last ones to try. This time it was me and a girl named Jenny. We didn't know how much we were supposed to drink, but we wanted to make sure to get drunk. It my case that was drinking 1½ bottle of red and white wine in just 3 minutes.
Needless to say - I couldn't be in the same room where my parents opened a bottle of wine for the next comming 8 years.... They teased me a LOT about it :)
Drunk I got, puked I did, laughed about I've done ever since.
The content of it all: I couldn't see the fun in it really since I'm always been very freed before, and needed no alcohol to get out of my shell. So I was always the designated driver in my SAAB 96 V4, named Arnold.
This is not Arnold, but it looks exactly the same, color and all. Best car I've ever had. It had a column shift.
I think I was sober until 21, then I drinked a bit, and by 26 I could enjoy it (or how to speak). I'm still no big alcohol consumer - if I don't count the weekend at the M'era Luna festival in Germany every August ;)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Baked: rhubarb crumble pie
Kids wanted something sweet for Friday afternoon break.
Mum baked a rhubarb crumble pie.
I defrosted my freezer yesterday and found some rhubarbs of the summer, so I tried a new recipe. Althought it was very good, I won't do it again - it contained far too much sugar. I will continue using my old well-proved recipe for crumble pie. Served with lightly whipped cream with a dash of vanilla.
Mum baked a rhubarb crumble pie.
I defrosted my freezer yesterday and found some rhubarbs of the summer, so I tried a new recipe. Althought it was very good, I won't do it again - it contained far too much sugar. I will continue using my old well-proved recipe for crumble pie. Served with lightly whipped cream with a dash of vanilla.
Even if I eat mostly according to Montignac Method I can eat small portions of delights <3 since I'm in Phase 2. Without getting fat! All hail Montignac and his method!
Adora BatBrat inspired makeup tutorial (dramatic)
I just found this! So cute <3
My Friday just got even better :) The worst part is she does my look better then I do...
The only difference is that I have mini-hearts instead of dots at the ends. I do love hearts...and dots..
My Friday just got even better :) The worst part is she does my look better then I do...
The only difference is that I have mini-hearts instead of dots at the ends. I do love hearts...and dots..
All the pictures are from the M'era Luna festival, Germany 2010
Here with my pretty, pretty sister Jenny and her pretty, pretty boyfriend Mattias (of band D-Tox)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Me answering a question
I got this in a message and decided to answer it where everyone can see:
"I was reading your blog post about the "little make up and shabby outfit"... and I have to ask you (though I know I'd be the 1000th one): do you put on make up and style your hair and wear fancy dresses every day? Even to stay in home? I mean, what time do you wake up? Right now I'm wearing a sweater and a pair of jeans... I'd like to look at my best everyday, but aside my laziness, I don't feel comfy all day long staying at home in leggins and tight shirts... not to mention wearing shoes at home! is this something you can get used to? Can I train myself feeling at my ease without baggy clothes? Or is this some kind of swedish superpower?"
The answer is - yes! I do dress up every day and wears heavy make up.
Not festival-dressed, but a bit more over dressed then the average person I guess (since I get asked this a lot). At festivals I'm half nude, and that is not something I wanna be going grocery shopping for broccoli ;)
It's hard to explain without sounding like a narcissist...
I think of it like: "I deserve this. I deserve to feel beautiful and to be the best me every day". Many people wonder why I'm so happy, and I am, and part of it I think is because I dress up every day. Who can not feel happy when dressed nicely?
And also I can't figure out why the most pretty clothes are only to be worn on special occations? I don't have that many special occations...
Sometimes my husband changes into a t-shirt when he gets home from work *sorry to out you, honey* and I give him hell every time. This is what he hears, the poor bastard: "-If you are gonna wear ugly clothes, wear them at work. I should be the one you dress up for, not your work!" I'm a bitch wife!
Also: when we met, my husband choose me because of the way I looked, and out of respect for him I do my make up every day, wears cute clothes and try to keep my hair okay. And therefor I demand the same respect from him. This sounds so horrible: but remember - we have been together for 22 years, so there must be something right by this? Or it might just be Swedish superpower.... (I loved that comment! Wihhhiiihhaha)
But the main reason is: If you look good, you feel good. You deserve to look fantastic every day!
(I do not wear my shoes inside my flat, I have pretty black slippers at home, but I wear shoes on the outfit pictures since I'm in the hallway of the house).
"I was reading your blog post about the "little make up and shabby outfit"... and I have to ask you (though I know I'd be the 1000th one): do you put on make up and style your hair and wear fancy dresses every day? Even to stay in home? I mean, what time do you wake up? Right now I'm wearing a sweater and a pair of jeans... I'd like to look at my best everyday, but aside my laziness, I don't feel comfy all day long staying at home in leggins and tight shirts... not to mention wearing shoes at home! is this something you can get used to? Can I train myself feeling at my ease without baggy clothes? Or is this some kind of swedish superpower?"
The answer is - yes! I do dress up every day and wears heavy make up.
Not festival-dressed, but a bit more over dressed then the average person I guess (since I get asked this a lot). At festivals I'm half nude, and that is not something I wanna be going grocery shopping for broccoli ;)
It's hard to explain without sounding like a narcissist...
I think of it like: "I deserve this. I deserve to feel beautiful and to be the best me every day". Many people wonder why I'm so happy, and I am, and part of it I think is because I dress up every day. Who can not feel happy when dressed nicely?
And also I can't figure out why the most pretty clothes are only to be worn on special occations? I don't have that many special occations...
Sometimes my husband changes into a t-shirt when he gets home from work *sorry to out you, honey* and I give him hell every time. This is what he hears, the poor bastard: "-If you are gonna wear ugly clothes, wear them at work. I should be the one you dress up for, not your work!" I'm a bitch wife!
Also: when we met, my husband choose me because of the way I looked, and out of respect for him I do my make up every day, wears cute clothes and try to keep my hair okay. And therefor I demand the same respect from him. This sounds so horrible: but remember - we have been together for 22 years, so there must be something right by this? Or it might just be Swedish superpower.... (I loved that comment! Wihhhiiihhaha)
But the main reason is: If you look good, you feel good. You deserve to look fantastic every day!
(I do not wear my shoes inside my flat, I have pretty black slippers at home, but I wear shoes on the outfit pictures since I'm in the hallway of the house).
How I miss my blue hair seeing this
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Todays outfit
This was how I looked at todays business meeting
A lot better than that lame make up I had on yesterday. Felt a lot more like me today. Only my nosechain missing - and why I didn't wear it? It's winter here, and to add cold metal against your cheek is not what you wanna do then.
Porsche joined me on the pic
Todays outfit
Synthia and me
I had a business meeting today with people who know lots about the import business that will be part of my webshop. It was a very good meeting, and I feel even happier than to begin with. My rate is now up to 143 percent!
This is when I just fetched Synthia from school.
Then Fairlight wanted to bake strawberry cupcakes for afternoon break. They were very yummy!
Todays outfit
We had a parental meeting tonight, and this is how I looked:
I know, I know...too little make up and a booring hairstyle.
Perhaps 4 times a year I wear this little make up. But isn't it true; when you are used to be wearing lots of make up and always looks your best every single day, you always have one day when you are not the best you and that is always the day you end up meeting lots of cool people/the hottest boy/your enemy. It's so typical! And then you feel ashamed because then they might think you always look this shabby..
I know, I know...too little make up and a booring hairstyle.
Perhaps 4 times a year I wear this little make up. But isn't it true; when you are used to be wearing lots of make up and always looks your best every single day, you always have one day when you are not the best you and that is always the day you end up meeting lots of cool people/the hottest boy/your enemy. It's so typical! And then you feel ashamed because then they might think you always look this shabby..
At least I had a fantastic bang-day! Wow, it looks amazing!
And yes, I used shine spray on it.
I was in luck and managed not to meet cool people/hot boy (set aside my husband)/enemy...but I can assure you I felt ashamed all day long. I better make it up by looking more "me" tomorrow.
Todays outfit
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I was on Spanish TV!
Yesterday I got this on my Facebook from Maria A.
"Hi Adora! today at about 21h you appeared on my tv in news! It was something about gothic lolitas, they showed a bit of one of yours youtube makeup tutorials! I was looking for a link to show you, but I can't find it, maybe because it's too recent. It was on telecinco channel (Spanish tv)"
That is just super cool! I would really love to get my hands on that clip!
Thank you Spain!
"Hi Adora! today at about 21h you appeared on my tv in news! It was something about gothic lolitas, they showed a bit of one of yours youtube makeup tutorials! I was looking for a link to show you, but I can't find it, maybe because it's too recent. It was on telecinco channel (Spanish tv)"
That is just super cool! I would really love to get my hands on that clip!
Thank you Spain!
Modelling pictures for The House of Wade Lee
This is a set of 4. So this is the first 1/4'th; The Cotton Candy shoot.
I'm wearing a sweet pink Hello Kitty bow. I really liked this one, very cute. I especially love the dots. The shoot was for The House of Wade Lee.
I'm wearing a sweet pink Hello Kitty bow. I really liked this one, very cute. I especially love the dots. The shoot was for The House of Wade Lee.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Pretty in Pink
Here's some pictures from when we were going to see The Cure in Stockholm 2008.
I don't normally drink beer, but this was clearly an emergency!
.....because I was under threat from Count Cap
..who then CAP-tured my heart!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Hello, baby!
Today I said welcome to the world to Enya (dad is famous by his electro band Colony 5). She's now 10 weeks old and look - she even gave me a smile <3 (and I who was about to eat her pink, warm, little body. That saved her....for now...) She and I are now totally buddies, we even called each other before to color match as you can see!
Fantastic chocolate cake made us this happy
Friday, January 21, 2011
My husband gave me a mug
I'm such a bad goth. I, of course, love spiders (NOT live though), web, bats, blood, vampires, ghosts and skeletons...BUT I also have a "grandma-gene", it's probably the same that makes me somewhat like the horrendous shabby chic also makes me a fan of romantic tomfoolery, such as the Danish design GreenGate.
I'm totally ambivalent between the dark and the flamboyant and flaunty styles. I'm also like a crow and can't keep my paws off glitz and sparkly things - I'm no good poster-girl for the goth community. I beg for forgiveness..
Aaaaaany who, I told my husband I have finally found a new coffee/tea cup that I liked but I thought it was a bit too expensive as well as unnecessary (I've been looking for a while) and can you imagine - today he bought it to me <3 It's Green Gate's Mille White.
The premiere drink; Irish Coffee

Todays outfit
Netting shirt and corset-top from the Swedish E-bay: "Tradera". Black skirt and red gloves from Lindex (skirt from kids wear) and white skirt from H&M kids wear.
Stockings from grocery store and Demonia shoes.
Todays outfit
Cupcake time
Mmm, TeeBee helped me bake the cupcakes today. We made lemon and raisins cupcakes.
Frosting for 6 cupcakes: converter
20 g butter
35 g Philadelphia cheese
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1/3 teaspoon of vanilla sugar
1,6 dl icing sugar
(caramel color; beetroot extract for example)
Blend it with a fork or a beater. Decorate. Store in refrigerator when you've added the frosting.
Frosting for 6 cupcakes: converter
20 g butter
35 g Philadelphia cheese
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1/3 teaspoon of vanilla sugar
1,6 dl icing sugar
(caramel color; beetroot extract for example)
Blend it with a fork or a beater. Decorate. Store in refrigerator when you've added the frosting.
Friday, people!
It's FRIDAY!!! And here I am with my Friday-glass! As you can see I'm currently in Paris ;)
What's in store today?
I'm gonna bake something for the kids efternoon break, most likely I will be lazy and make cupcakes, then for dinner it will be tenderloin (of human of course) with red wine sauce (type A negative with a dash of Crianza) and béarnaise sauce served with grilled veggies (brutally slaughtered).
Then I'll take a stroll down town to buy something for a baby named Enya who we are going to visit tomorrow, Her dad is Magnus of Swedish electro band Colony 5 .
Happy Friday to everyone!
What's in store today?
I'm gonna bake something for the kids efternoon break, most likely I will be lazy and make cupcakes, then for dinner it will be tenderloin (of human of course) with red wine sauce (type A negative with a dash of Crianza) and béarnaise sauce served with grilled veggies (brutally slaughtered).
Then I'll take a stroll down town to buy something for a baby named Enya who we are going to visit tomorrow, Her dad is Magnus of Swedish electro band Colony 5 .
Happy Friday to everyone!
Me want!
I'm so in love right now! The white plate with the simple skull in the middle is so magnificent! I'm thinking appelpie and home made vanilla ice cream when I see it...or perhaps an appetizer with spinach, smoked salmon and feta cheese tartlet with pine nuts...
Can be bought here for $39.80
And this is just so luxurious! I couldn't eat anything but tenderloin with a red wine sause added a hint of thyme on it.
Read about it here. It costs horrendous £21!!!
And this would look fine with a slice (or two) of cinnamon cheesecake with lime glaze
Can be bought here for $7.
Perhaps it's time to get started on my Christmas wish list already...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Pretty me
Found some other old pictures of me. They are all from different concerts. About 2001 (29 years old will that make me on those shoots - haha, and I thought I was like 23 here...)
Holy macarony - I really had my boobs out back then!
I will make it one of my new years resolution; to put them out there more.
I will make it one of my new years resolution; to put them out there more.
How cute, you can see my dimple on my cheek <3
Don't tell anyone - but I'm actually at a toilet peeing while my friend took this shoot. I of course had to cut out the lower half of the picture ;) Silly us, with all our toilet-shoots...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Pretty me
I just stumbled over this super-old picture of me. I was 22 I think (1994).
Awww, I really like the style I had back then. So cute! And with my princess crowns as usual <3
(sorry about the nipples showing, but I am Swedish *haha*)
I hope there's nothing wrong in liking an old picture of oneself?
Awww, I really like the style I had back then. So cute! And with my princess crowns as usual <3
(sorry about the nipples showing, but I am Swedish *haha*)
I hope there's nothing wrong in liking an old picture of oneself?
Monday, January 17, 2011
I'm at Perez Hilton
Sweet people at Facebook told me I'm on Perez Hilton apperently?
I think I scared him bad!
I can sure see it's american people commenting since they are so rude and narrow minded. There is miles between our societys (now I'm not talking about the wonderful goths or other alternatives in USA, but "normal" people). I'm very happy to live in a country that is more openminded.
(I'm sorry about that comment, I know there are lots of wonderful open minded "normal" people in America too. But when I say "normal" I usually talk about those who think they are the norm and can't accept anything else.)
But I laughed at many comments :)
I think I scared him bad!
I can sure see it's american people commenting since they are so rude and narrow minded. There is miles between our societys (now I'm not talking about the wonderful goths or other alternatives in USA, but "normal" people). I'm very happy to live in a country that is more openminded.
(I'm sorry about that comment, I know there are lots of wonderful open minded "normal" people in America too. But when I say "normal" I usually talk about those who think they are the norm and can't accept anything else.)
But I laughed at many comments :)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Guests today
Today my dad and my extra mom came for a visit. Me and mom Beda went out on town to shop and went back just in time for dinner. A very smart decision!
When they first arrived we had some tiramisú
the kids had one without alcohol of course
Then we had lemon and honey marinated salmon and shrimps with basil, potatoe gratin and bean and ruccola salad with avocado, leek and dijon for dinner (forgot to take a picture because I was so hungry). My dad ate so much his tummy hurted!
And before they left we had to eat some semlor (filled cardemom buns) and negro balls (it's actually called that. "Negerbollar" in Swedish).
Porsche wanted semlor too....
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Sneak-peak on shop item
I'm so happy - I found totally "me" stockings today. I have ordered them in for the webshop. I have other spiderweb stockings myself, but these are so much better. I'm having so much fun!
Ordering Chinese tonight
I've started to order some things to the webshop. Since my own designs are a bit late in production I might just fill it up with other things while waiting.
The shop will only be filled with typhical things I usually wear since many people have asked me where I buy my stuff. The things are not übercool and odd, but sweet I think.
The shop will only be filled with typhical things I usually wear since many people have asked me where I buy my stuff. The things are not übercool and odd, but sweet I think.
I'm ordering small amounts of every item (5-11). So far I'm in love with all the stuff I've ordered. I think my wardrobe will be filled as well, and my wallet the complete opposite..
A thypical Adora-skirt
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I need those!
I've been looking for some cute 14-eye boots with a heavy, flat plateu, and I think I just found my next shoe for the goth collection hanging around just inside my door ready to kick any old fart wearing no make up. Problem is I don't know what brand this is. Anybody?
I was pregnant at the time, so perhaps inbetween the hurls this was all I could manage ;)
For me to stomp around in
They will look great with this make up
Hmmm, maybe not.. This is by far too little make up for me. I still think I look really pretty like this, but holy macaony, I look almost "normal". I went for a sweet 1920's look for this picture, and I think I pulled it off, but in real life I seldom wear it like this. Perhaps if I have extremely lack of time then...I was pregnant at the time, so perhaps inbetween the hurls this was all I could manage ;)
Picture by Paul Quant 2006
Monday, January 10, 2011
Two replicas done
The lightning was far from as fantastic as on Paul Quant's pictures, and I hadn't access to the same amazing bridge as we did then, so I had to "work it" with what I got. I'm kind of pleased though :)
The copy
The original
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